JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting in Southeast Florida

Southeast Florida Commercial Cleaning Company Helps Combat COVID-19
Tuesday, April 14th 2020, 6:00 PM

During the COVID-19 Outbreak, JAN-PRO of Southeast Florida Provides Cleaning and Disinfectant Services

North Miami Beach, United States - April 3, 2020 / JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting in Southeast Florida /

During the time of uncertainty generated by the COVID-19 outbreak, cleaning companies provide services that are essential to protecting the health of the community. Professionals cleaners are the unsung heroes of the outbreak, and they risk their own health to clean and disinfect essential businesses and locations, such as hospitals, pharmacies, doctor's offices, and grocery stores.

Currently, Florida State has seen over 20,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19, with more than 7,000 cases in Miami-Dade County and 3,000 in Broward County. To combat the spread of the virus, Governor DeSantis issued a "safer-at-home order" for Southeast Florida.

The health of employees in the workforce must be protected, and cleaning and disinfecting measures are fundamental to preserving health and peace of mind. Companies such as JAN-PRO of Southeast Florida provide specific cleaning services that work effectively to sanitize all workspaces.

JAN-PRO of Southeast Florida is serving on the frontlines of the effort to slow and stop the spread of COVID-19. The cleaning service is seeing a huge demand for its disinfectant services and especially for its EnviroShield® Disinfectant system. Since the start of the pandemic, JAN-PRO of Southeast Florida has received at least twenty calls a day from people asking for cleaning and disinfecting services. Because of the great need for reliable, effective commercial cleaning services, JAN-PRO of Southeast Florida will stay open and keep serving the community for as long as it is allowed to.

For maximum cleaning power, JAN-PRO offers the EnviroShield® Disinfectant system. This cleaning system eliminates 99.99% of bacteria and viruses, including salmonella and E. coli, common viruses like the cold and flu, and pathogens like MRSA and COVID-19. This disinfectant carries the EPA's highest grade for safety and non-toxicity and generates no harmful residues, toxic byproducts, or irritating fumes. The EnviroShield® system is complemented by the EnviroShield Endure® antimicrobial system, which protects surfaces from bacteria and germs for up to six months.

JAN-PRO’s disinfectant system features electrostatic sprayers which kill viruses and bacteria in sixty seconds. These tools are designed for high-touch areas like door handles, light switches, elevator buttons, and handles. JAN-PRO uses an electrostatic charge which causes the disinfectant to cling to every applied surface, giving sustained germ-killing power.

As the world's largest and most trusted commercial cleaning brand, JAN-PRO of Southeast Florida works with all kinds of businesses to ensure their facilities are cleaned and disinfected to the highest standards. With over twenty-five years of experience in the commercial cleaning industry, JAN-PRO has created a unique and effective approach to workplace disinfection that has improved the lives of thousands of employees and business owners in Southeast Florida.


For more information about commercial cleaning in Miami, FL, visit JAN-PRO of Southeast Florida on the web at https://janprofl.com. Staff can be contacted by email at janproseflorida@gmail.com or by phone at 1 (954) 633-7064.

Contact Information:

JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting in Southeast Florida

1820 N.E. 163rd Street, Unit 203
North Miami Beach, FL 33162
United States

Nathalie Kleiner
(954) 633-7064

Original Source: https://janprofl.com/press-releases


JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting in Southeast Florida has developed proprietary products and services that offer higher quality disinfection.


Nathalie Kleiner
JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting in Southeast Florida

1820 N.E. 163rd Street, Unit 203
North Miami Beach, FL, 33162, United States

E-Mail janproseflorida@gmail.com

Phone (954) 633-7064


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